1. Demonstration Permit Application for groups of 10 or more persons
If you are planning a Demonstration that involves crossing streets (parade, march, etc.), you must include a map. This map should show
i. The start/end point(s),
ii. The route of the event, and
iii. The locations of the people monitoring the intersections.
If you are planning a Demonstration that will take place in a park, you will need to reserve the park through the Culture, Parks, and Recreation Department www.greeleygov.com.
2. Sound Amplifying Permit Application
If you intend to use amplified sound (speakers, PA system, megaphone, etc.), you must complete the Sound Amplifying permit application Note: Please understand that this permit does not negate Municipal codes about extreme noise levels and/or late night events. No sound amplification equipment shall be used prior to 7:00am or after 10:00pm.
You will receive an email or a call when your permit has been approved. Your approved permit may include additional specifications regarding yoru specific demonstration. If our permit application is denied, you may appeal the denial within two days by submitting a request to the City Manager.
Applications must be received at least three business days prior to the event (72 hours, exclusive of weekends and legal holidays; Section 18-148 City of Greeley Municipal Code). For more information, call (970) 350-9605 or (970) 350-9670.