A Revocable Event Permit is needed for any event proposed to take place on City streets, plazas, and other City-owned rights-of-way, other than parks and sidewalks. Events proposed to take place in a City park must be arranged through the Culture, Parks and Recreation Department at www.greeleygov.com, Activities Page or by visiting the front desk of the Downtown Recreation Center, 651 10th Avenue.
When you submit this application, it will be automatically transmitted to the City Clerk’s Office. Staff will then reach out to arrange payment. Once payment is received, the City Clerk’s Office will begin processing the application.
Not later than 60 days from the date of the event!
FEE:$150.00 – cash, check, or certified funds made out to the City of Greeley (no fee waivers can be authorized)
Questions? 970-350-9740