Landscape Code Update

The last major re-write of the landscaping code was in 1998, which updated code language that encouraged xeric landscaping or the use of low-water-use plantings. In the last five years, Greeley has experienced exponential growth and development that still practices over-watering methods. To conserve water for future generations, the City has introduced new programs such as the Water Efficiency Audits, Water Restrictions, and Water Budgets to reflect how the community uses water. To support this effort, the Planning Division is currently updating the landscape code to modernize water conservation language that further influences the implementation of xeric planting practices to reduce the overall water consumption of each property. In addition, the landscape code update will also:

  1. Provide a user-friendly language that helps clarify the process and minimize confusion.  
  2. Revise infill development standards to encourage adaptive reuse of existing buildings and minimize requirements for minor site improvements.
  3. Simplify landscape provisions for residential properties by requiring improvements only in areas visible from public rights-of-way.
  4. Encourage holistic design alternatives, reduce the amount of landscape material in buffers to ensure the long-term viability of plant material, and allow for creative solutions by providing options for landscape enhancements to include hardscape, walls, and berms.

Landscape Code Update

  • 1 Least Important2345 Most Important
    Water conservation
    Simplified and easy to understand requirements
    Third row
    Fourth row
    Fifth row