Historic Preservation Month Award Nomination Form

Step 1 of 2

  • Guidelines

    DEADLINE – APRIL 15, 2020


    Chapter 16.60 of the Greeley Municipal Code provides for the designation, preservation, protection, enhancement and perpetuation of those sites, structures, objects and districts which reflect outstanding elements of the City’s cultural, artistic, social, ethnic, economic, political, architectural, historic, technological, institutional or other heritage. It also promotes the stabilization or improvement of aesthetic and economic vitality and values of the City’s significant sites, neighborhoods, structures, objects and districts; the protection and enhancement of the City; the promotion of the use of outstanding historical or architectural sites, structures, objects and districts for the education, stimulation and welfare of the people of the City; the promotion of good urban design; and the integration of historic preservation with the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

    The Imagine Greeley Comprehensive Plan supports the promotion of local heritage by identifying structures, facilities, and areas that carry historical, cultural, architectural, or geographical significance (Goal HC-1: Preserve and promote local heritage). The Historic Preservation Month Awards program promotes local history and preservation, as well as teaches the community about Greeley’s historic resources.

    Recognition Awards

    The Commission seeks to educate the public about Greeley’s historic resources, historic preservation programs and benefits and to encourage public education, interest and participation. The Historic Preservation Month Awards recognize individuals, organizations and design professionals/contractors who have served to significantly further historic preservation efforts and achievements in Greeley.

    Award Categories

    Typically, the Historic Preservation Commission gives a yearly award to a Greeley representative in each of the following three categories:

    • Individual – a Greeley resident who has contributed in a significant manner to the preservation or protection of local historic resources
    • Organization – a Greeley business, non-profit, church or other entity that has demonstrated support for or advanced historic preservation in Greeley in a significant way
    • Contractor/Design Professional – a Greeley design professional or contractor who has contributed in a significant manner to the preservation or protection of local resources

    If the Commission finds there are no projects or nominees that meet the criteria, the Commission may opt to not give an award in a particular category. The nomination could relate to one specific project, multiple projects, or general preservation efforts. While the Commissioners can nominate people or projects, they particularly encourage the public to submit nominations. Please submit the following information for a nomination.

    Nomination & Criteria

    Please provide contact information of the individual, organization or design professional/contractor being nominated and of the nominator. A nomination could be for a specific project, or for a body of work or multiple projects by the same individual, organization or design professional/contractor, or for general preservation efforts. More than one nomination may be submitted by the same nominator.

    Please also explain the preservation project(s) or contribution(s) of the individual, organization, or design professional /contractor and why they are worthy of a historic preservation award, addressing any of the criteria below that apply. Applications will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

    1. Effect of the project on the architectural and historical character of the property or the area

    2. Protection and preservation of the historic character of the building, site, or district, and compatibility with surrounding properties and the neighborhood

    3. Effect on the protection, enhancement, perpetuation or use of the property

    4. Contribution of the individual(s)/organization/contractor/design professional to the historic preservation efforts in the community

    • What were the positive impacts?
    • Was the contribution new or innovative for Greeley?

    5. Promotion of understanding of local history and preservation efforts

    6. Creation of a widely visible, lasting link to our community’s heritage and accomplishments of the past

    Nominations must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 to allow for review of the nominations. The Historic Preservation Commission will vote on the nominations and make presentations at an upcoming Historic Preservation Month celebration, which will be free and open to the public. Please contact the Historic Preservation Office at [email protected] for more information