Trail events: PRTC may require trail marshals for all areas of public safety concerns. Event organizers and participants are expected to pack-in and pack out all trash and debris associated with their event, and be familiar with and follow all trail rules and trail etiquette. Additional conditions may be required based on individual events. If route marking on the trail is required, colored chalk or flour is acceptable. NO SPRAY PAINT OR PERMANENT MARKINGS ARE PERMITTED.
Liability Waiver: Applicant organization and participants whose behalf this form is now signed, expressly understand and agree that neither the Poudre River Trail Corridor, Inc., nor any of its officer, agents, volunteers, assistants, or employees shall be held responsible nor subjected to any claim seeking to assess damages or establish liability for or arising from personal injury, property damage, or loss of any other sort as a result of actual or proposed participation in the applicants event or related trail use, and or organization and participants hereby agree to indemnify and hold the Poudre River Trail Corridor, Inc. its officers, agents volunteers, assistants, or employees harmless on account of any such personal injury or property damage or other loss as aforesaid.
I hereby certify that I have read and understand all of the provisions of this permit and all specifications under which it is issued and I further certify that I will personally advise all participants of these provisions prior to the event and as many times thereafter as may be required, to include advisement that violation may subject me and all participants to revocation of the permit and to be prosecuted under City Ordinances and/or State laws that are violated.